I'm your one and only




你真的懂唯一的定義 並不簡單如呼吸
You do know what one and only means, It's not easy as breathing
我真的希望你能釐清 若沒交心怎麼說明
If you really wish to explain clearly, you'll have to bare your heart 

我真的愛你 句句不輕易
"I really love you", But your voice falters as you speak
眼神中飄移 總是在關鍵時刻清楚洞悉
Your eyes look away, when you fail to come clean yet again
你的不堅定 配合我顛沛流離
Your unsettled heart, makes me destined to wander
死去中清醒 明白你背著我聰明
Until I finally find out, all the things you do behind my back

你真的懂唯一的定義 不只是如影隨形
You do know what one and only means, It's not as simple as staying by my side
你真的希望你能釐清 閉上眼睛 用心看清
If you really wish to explain clearly, close your eyes and ask your heart

我真的愛你 沒人能比擬
"I really love you", "You're second to none"
眼神沒肯定 總是在關鍵時刻清楚洞悉
But your eyes lack confidence, when you fail to come clean yet again
你的不堅定 配合我顛沛流離
Your unsettled heart, makes me destined to wander
死去中清醒 明白你背著我聰明
Until I finally find out, all the things you do behind my back

愛本質無異 是因為人多得擁擠
Your love for us is the same, but I feel crowded and suffocated
你不想證明 證明我是你唯一
You never want to prove, I'm your one and only
I'm your one and only


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    Luke'sWay 路克


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